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Helping create a Net Zero Wales by 2050; ensuring people have high-quality, warm, secure and energy-efficient homes to live in. Developing of a future sustainable farming scheme. Supporting the food and marine sectors and delivering 21st Century infrastructure that will move us towards a low carbon transport system.

What is Wales doing about climate change campaign hero image

Climate Action Wales - What is Wales doing?

Campaign to show actions being taken by government, public sector, businesses and communities.

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Climate Action Wales – What can you do?

Climate Action Wales - Together we can make a difference

The campaign helps people understand what actions they can take to make long-term positive changes on home energy use, travel, food and purchasing.

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Climate Action Wales Block 2 campaign hero image
Climate Action Wales – Branding hero image

Climate Action Wales – Branding

Climate Action Wales logos and brand guidelines.

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Workplace Recycling – Let’s get it sorted

Workplace Recycling Law in Wales. It means all businesses, charities and public sector organisations will need to sort their waste for recycling.

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 campaign hero image
Single Use Plastics campaign hero image

Single-use plastics ban

Single-use plastics ban started on 30 October. There are post-law assets available to use.

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National Forest

Campaign to support Welsh Government’s commitment to create areas of new woodland and help to restore and maintain some of our irreplaceable ancient woodlands.

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National Forest campaign hero image
It's For Them campaign hero image

It’s For Them

Campaign to increase the awareness of the public and the people who manage grass cutting of the benefits for biodiversity of mowing less and collecting the cuttings.

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To ensure high-quality well-managed, sustainable woodlands that provide social and community benefits. To support thriving woodland-based industries and contribute to a better quality environment throughout Wales.

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Forestry campaign hero image
Single-use vapes ban campaign hero image

Single-use vapes ban

The single-use vapes ban prevents the supply, or offer to supply, single-use vape products from 1 June 2025.

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